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When you contact customer support with a problem, the typical goal is to get it resolved FAST. I have observed that in many instances the initial contact with support coordination makes a fast resolution much less likely. This blog provides some tips to help speed up problem resolution.

1 Be as detailed as possible with the problem description.

A general problem statement, like “the network is down” leaves too much to the imagination. For example, on a module with multiple interfaces are all the interfaces down or just one. Are the adapters actually broken or it is that there is no network link? Is there network link but no IP connectivity? Is there IP connectivity for some clients but not others? The more specific you are the faster the actual problem can be identified and corrected.

2 Be as accurate as possible about when the problem happened or started

Searching a 1000 block syserr_log is a lot faster when we know where to look. You can help us by indicating when the problem happened/started. Even an approximate time such as around 1:45PM may speed things up. If you call at 2:00 PM and tell the support coordinator that the problem happened at around 1:45 PM we will probably assume that it happened 15 minutes ago. That assumption is not always valid – dates are import as well as times.

3 Don’t ask for a specific fix

If you call support coordination and ask how to set the TCP window size, we will tell you how to set the TCP window size. If the actual problem is low TCP throughput setting the TCP window size may or may not help. Unless you have evidence that the problem is actually a small TCP window size you should just describe the problem – in as much detail as possible of course.

4 Provide all the data up front

If there are traces or logs available but you do not send them or indicate where they are and there is a delay contacting you there will be a delay in reviewing the logs/traces. You should provide the logs/traces or their location when the issue is opened. Attach them to an E-mail or just tell the support coordinator where they are on the system. Also, if this problem has happened before, tell us, along with issue numbers and dates if possible.

5 Make sure your contact information is up to date

Finally if you are at home or at a satellite office the chances are that we do not have accurate contact information. It is always a good idea to provide current contact information every time you call.

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