Stratus ftServer Systems are the most robust, efficient solution for advanced deployed and virtualized environments where uptime SLAs are crucial, for Windows®, Linux®, and VMware®.
Stratus ftServer Systems are the most robust, efficient solution for advanced deployed and virtualized environments where uptime SLAs are crucial, for Windows®, Linux®, and VMware®.
The fully comprehensive everRun Enterprise and Express solution provides fault tolerance, high application availability protection, disaster recovery, application monitoring and more to ensures business continuity.
An overview of Stratus uptime assurance technology for ftServer Systems is presented in the following paper. Fundamentals behind the purpose-built design — resilient servers, the Automated UptimeTM Layer, and proactive availability…
Stratus systems deliver greater than 99.999% uptime automatically, right out of the box. That’s why the world’s largest companies and government organizations rely on ftServer systems to run their most…
This document describes the tools available for monitoring and managing ftServer systems in a variety of scenarios ranging from local or remote configuration of a single server to integration with…
The benefits of server virtualization at the corporate data center are receiving a great deal of attention. However, its ability to address lifecycle management issues may make virtualization in manufacturing…
We live in an always-on world. Everything is connected — not just our computers, phones, and other portable devices, but nearly every aspect of daily life. From the gas pumps…
If you are considering a technology refresh for legacy software, or you are about to publish an RFP for updating all or part of your mission-critical PSAP operations, it is…
Customers are demanding improved high availability solutions with nearly zero downtime for their mission-critical SQL Server® database applications. They also require this with minimal price increase over the non-HA solutions. This…
Stratus® fault-tolerant ftServer® systems running Microsoft® SQL Server® database software offer unmatched platform availability and simplicity of operation. These attributes ─ combined with low acquisition and operational costs ─ make the…