The general rule of thumb when porting an open-source package is to keep track of the changes you make to get it to build and execute on your system, and if you think the changes would be useful to the community at large, to submit them to the maintainers of the package.
The final version of the “Best Practices for Configuring ftScalable Storage Arrays on OpenVOS Systems” is now available.
A journey that began nearly 30 years ago continues today for many Stratus customers with the release of Stratus OpenVOS 17.1, arguably the world’s most reliable operating system for running mission-critical applications.
You are invited to attend a technical training seminar about the recently announced fourth generation V Series platform/OpenVOS 17.1 and Kona for OpenVOS.
Prior to 17.1 STCP would resolve host names by first querying any configured DNS and only if there was no response or a negative response from the name servers would it search the local hosts file.
Prior to VOS 17.1 STCP would not accept a TCP connection request unless the server application had called the accept function.
Over the last few weeks several people have asked me about routes that mysteriously appear and then disappear.
It seems we live in an age where we have to think of new passwords every week. In the good old days, you could browse a web site, even order stuff, without having to create an identity first.
Under STCP when you have multiple processes listening on the same port number only the first process that bound to the port number is notified when a connection is requested.
The CAC is frequently asked to look into problems with VOS message queues. Here are a couple of interesting ones, along with some solutions and recommendations that I’d like to share with you.