For leaders digitally transforming their operations in order to drive predictable, peak performance with minimal risk, we ensure the continuous availability of business-critical applications. We deliver zero-touch Edge Computing platforms…
For leaders digitally transforming their operations in order to drive predictable, peak performance with minimal risk, we ensure the continuous availability of business-critical applications. We deliver zero-touch Edge Computing platforms…
75 percent of data will be created, processed and managed at the edge by 2025, up from 10% in 2018, according to Gartner, creating a growing need for compute power…
Stratus’ ActiveService™ Network provides secure 24/7/365 monitoring and troubleshooting of hardware and software issues—no matter where in the world your Stratus systems are located.
Rely on Stratus’ experienced staff to ensure you get the benefits of virtualization without diminishing end-to-end performance and availability. Stratus support professionals team closely with your staff to properly install…
This product sheet addresses the myths and realities of using fault-tolerant ftServer systems with VMware virtualization software.
Virtualization technology is being widely applied today with excellent operational and financial results. It’s become a matter of course for most businesses to work with some aspect of virtualization. Virtualization…
Stratus brings you the convenience of one-stop shopping and one-call support for ftServer systems-based, VMware® vSphere™ 4 solutions. Our comprehensive support model includes software defect identification, problem diagnosis and resolution…
The Stratus® Uptime Appliance for VMware vCenter Server guarantees the highest levels of uptime for VMware’s universal management platform. Engineered to automatically prevent downtime, the Stratus Uptime Appliance for vCenter…
The Stratus® StorGate™ Storage Gateway is a turnkey solution that allows Stratus ftServer® V Series and Continuum® systems to seamlessly store and access VOS data on a target EMC storage…
Perfected by three decades of engineering enhancements, OpenVOS works seamlessly and transparently with the Continuous Processing® features that comprise every ftServer® V Series system. The result is a tightly integrated…