When people think of IPsec they think of data encryption but it can also be used to drop packets or allow them without any encryption.
When people think of IPsec they think of data encryption but it can also be used to drop packets or allow them without any encryption.
I recently was asked to do some analysis of a trace file, it was only 161 seconds in duration and contained a little more than 2.6 million frames. I was amazed to discover that approximately 75% of those frames where either ping requests or ping replies.
Many times when working an issue I ask people to send me a network trace. A network trace often points to the root cause of the problem. At a minimum, it reduces the problem space to something that is manageable.
I wrote the following remarks about conducting effective pre-production testing for my “VOS Corner” column in the Stratus User Group newsletter for December, 1996. They are still relevant today, almost 13 years later.
Recently a number of VOS and OpenVOS customers have switched from using the standard ftp client (ftp.pm) to the secure ftp client (sftp.pm).
You can accomplish many programming tasks in VOS and OpenVOS without knowing the details of how the operating system manages the user address space. But it is fun to know the details, and sometimes to accomplish a task you need to adjust the default configuration. This post is an introduction to the VOS user address space.
The other day while working an issue at a customer site I noticed and happened to mention that there were two sets of application processes running, one set running under some generic name like Production.
Many times the only way, or at least the fastest way, to resolve network communications problems is by collecting a trace of the communication and sending it to an expert for analysis.
As more and more people start using SSH in place of Telnet, I am seeing more and more confusion over the way that the SSH daemon treats password warning, expiration, and grace times.
The other day I came across a program that allowed me to select from a prepackaged set of queries and then communicated with a server to retrieve the answer to the selected query.