

图1中的代码片段展示了这个错误。有一个main while循环,永远循环调用select并等待接收到可用的字符。一旦select表示有可用的字符,代码就会进入另一个循环,直到收到10个字符。在调用recv函数后,代码正确地检查是否有0返回,这表明远程对等体已经关闭了套接字。然后,它检查errno是否为0,如果为0,则将刚刚收到的字符连入应用缓冲区,并将刚刚收到的字符数加到当前消息的总接收量中。最后,它检查errno是否为值EWOULDBLOCK,如果是其他的值,它就以错误的方式退出程序。此时内循环完成,如果消息中的字符数小于10,则再次调用recv。

 while (1)
   FD_ZERO (&fdsetREAD);
   FD_ZERO (&fdsetNULL);
   FD_SET (sockAccepted, &fdsetREAD);
   iNumFDS = sockAccepted + 1;

/* wait for the start of a message to arrive */
   iSelected = select (iNumFDS,
                      &fdsetREAD, &fdsetNULL, &fdsetNULL, &timevalTimeout);
   if (iSelected < 0) /* Error from select, report and abort */
      perror ("minus1: error from select");
      exit (errno);
/* select indicates something to be read. Since there is only 1 socket
   there is no need to figure out which socket is ready. Note that if
   select returns 0 it just means that it timed out, we will just go around
   the loop again.*/
   else if (iSelected > 0)
        szAppBuffer [0] = 0x00;       /* "zero out" the application buffer */
        iTotalCharsRecv = 0;          /* zero out the total characters count */
        while (iTotalCharsRecv < 10)  /* loop until all 10 characters read */
           {                          /* now read from socket */
           iNumCharsRecv = recv (sockAccepted, szRecvBuffer,
                                   10 - iTotalCharsRecv, 0);
           if (iDebugFlag)            /* debug output show */
              {                       /* value returned from recv and errno */
              printf ("%d  %d     ", iNumCharsRecv, errno);
              if (iNumCharsRecv > 0)  /* also received characters if any */
                 szRecvBuffer [iNumCharsRecv] = 0x00;
                 printf ("[%s]n", szRecvBuffer);
              else printf ("n");
           if (iNumCharsRecv == 0)   /* If 0 characters received exit app */
              printf ("minus1: socket closedn");
              exit (0);
           else if (errno == 0)      /* if "no error" accumulate received */
              {                      /* chars into an applictaion buffer */
              szRecvBuffer [iNumCharsRecv] = 0x00;
              strcat (szAppBuffer, szRecvBuffer);
              iTotalCharsRecv = iTotalCharsRecv + iNumCharsRecv;
              szRecvBuffer [0] = 0x00;
           else if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) /* Ignore an EWOULDBLOCK error */
              {                           /* anything else report and abort */
              perror ("minus1: Error from recv");
              exit (errno);
           if (iDebugFlag) sleep (1); /* this prevents the output from */
           }                          /* scrolling off the window */

        sprintf (szOut, "Message [%s] processedn", szAppBuffer);
        if (iDebugFlag) printf ("%sn", szOut);
        if (send (sockAccepted, szOut , strlen (szOut), 0) < 0)
           perror ("minus1: error from send");

图2显示了一个会话示例。发送到服务器的字符以 ,返回的处理过的消息不会被高亮显示。发送的字符包括一个终止的新行字符,并以1个TCP段发送。当正好发送10个字符时,一切都能正常工作,但当一个TCP段中只发送6个字符时,服务器就会停止响应。但是当一个TCP段中只发送了6个字符时,服务器就会停止响应。

留言 [123456789
] 处理过的
留言 [abcdefghi
] 处理过的
留言 [12345abcd
] 处理过的
图2 - 客户会话

Figure 3 shows the server session with debug turned on. You can see that after the “12345<new line>” characters are received the next recv returns -1 and sets the errno to 5011, which is EWOULDBLOCK. The code then loops and the next recv returns the characters “789<new line>” but the errno value is still set to 5011. In fact every recv after that regardless of whether there are characters received or not has errno set to 5011.

10  0     [123456789
留言 [123456789
] 处理的

10 0 [abcdefghi
留言 [abcdefghi
] 处理的

10 0 [12345abcd
留言 [12345abcd
] 处理的

6  0     [12345
-1  5011
4  5011     [789
-1  5011 
4 5011 [ABCD]
4 5011 [EFG]
4  5011     [i
4  5011     [3456]
4  5011     [789
-1  5011
-1  5011
-1  5011
图3 - 服务器调试输出




好消息是,有一个非常简单的修复方法;不需要测试errno == 0,只需要测试一个大于0的返回值即可,见图4中高亮的变化。还请注意,"errno != EWOULDBLOCK"测试的注释现在指出,达到if语句的唯一方法是如果recv返回一个负值。它返回的唯一负值是-1。

 while (1)
   FD_ZERO (&fdsetREAD);
   FD_ZERO (&fdsetNULL);
   FD_SET (sockAccepted, &fdsetREAD);
   iNumFDS = sockAccepted + 1;

/* wait for the start of a message to arrive */
   iSelected = select (iNumFDS,
                      &fdsetREAD, &fdsetNULL, &fdsetNULL, &timevalTimeout);
   if (iSelected < 0) /* Error from select, report and abort */
      perror ("minus1: error from select");
      exit (errno);
/* select indicates something to be read. Since there is only 1 socket
   there is no need to figure out which socket is ready. Note that if
   select returns 0 it just means that it timed out, we will just go around
   the loop again.*/
   else if (iSelected > 0)
        szAppBuffer [0] = 0x00;       /* "zero out" the application buffer */
        iTotalCharsRecv = 0;          /* zero out the total characters count */
        while (iTotalCharsRecv < 10)  /* loop until all 10 characters read */
           {                          /* now read from socket */
           iNumCharsRecv = recv (sockAccepted, szRecvBuffer,
                                   10 - iTotalCharsRecv, 0);
           if (iDebugFlag)            /* debug output show */
              {                       /* value returned from recv and errno */
              printf ("%d  %d     ", iNumCharsRecv, errno);
              if (iNumCharsRecv > 0)  /* also received characters if any */
                 szRecvBuffer [iNumCharsRecv] = 0x00;
                 printf ("[%s]n", szRecvBuffer);
              else printf ("n");
           if (iNumCharsRecv == 0)   /* If 0 characters received exit app */
              printf ("minus1: socket closedn");
              exit (0);
           else if (iNumCharsRecv > 0) /* if no error accumulate received */
              {                        /* chars into an applictaion buffer */
              szRecvBuffer [iNumCharsRecv] = 0x00;
              strcat (szAppBuffer, szRecvBuffer);
              iTotalCharsRecv = iTotalCharsRecv + iNumCharsRecv;
              szRecvBuffer [0] = 0x00;
           else if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) /* if we get here iNumCharsRecv */
              {                           /* must be -1 so errno is defined */
              perror                      /* Ignore an EWOULDBLOCK error */
               ("minus1: Error from recv"); /* anything else report */
              exit (errno);               /* and abort */
           if (iDebugFlag) sleep (1); /* this prevents the output from */
           }                          /* scrolling off the window */

        sprintf (szOut, "Message [%s] processedn", szAppBuffer);
        if (iDebugFlag) printf ("%sn", szOut);
        if (send (sockAccepted, szOut , strlen (szOut), 0) < 0)
           perror ("minus1: error from send");


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